As the wheels of time roll on, the appointed time to meet the Maker gets nearer every day. Every religion teaches that the good and bad get judged. The soul departs, leaving the rest of our aspirations into thin air.
Along the way, I have seen many people living for themselves as well as for their family and children. They work, save and grow solely for their themselves and their families. They profess their sacrificial lives, saying they’ve abandoned promotions and career growth for the sake of their children and families. But I often wonder ... How many have departed after accomplishing the real happiness of being alive?
Our happiness is in the times that we have lived, not in the days we shall live. The happiness of this moment is the sum of all what we’ve felt, thought, decided and executed in the times that we’ve lived. The rules that we follow in life are the untaught lessons that we’ve learned in classrooms.
The contexts, concepts and skills that we learn in classrooms are key to our happiness. But while the context decides what is right, happiness is the product of what we make of our context.
I was gaining more clarity on education being my calling in life.